STFC Museum is coming soon

Remembering Former Players and Supporters

A friend of mine has been doing some research in to Jock Walker and although we have found where ise ashes were interred there is no memorial marker either on the spot or in the Book of Remembrance.

To put an inscription in it would cost around £400 and is not an expense I feel the Trustees could justify. It made me think of a possible alternative which is to have a book at the County Ground for Players and Supporters who wish to remember a loved one who played or supported Swindon Town.

I have been in touch with Fan Engagement Officer, Vicki and this is just one of the ways in which we are working with the Club to fulfil our aim of making people aware of the proud heritage of the Club.

One of the Lounges, the John Trollope Suite, is soon to house a display on the League Cup win in 1969. We will be adding it to the places we visit on the Ground Tours which have been extremely well received and I must thank President John and the Welsh Robin, Anthony who add so much to these events.

This month saw our tour accommodate our first wheelchair tourist who has been kind enough to write a review. A big thank you to Caroline in reception for making the lady feel at home while we did the upstairs part of the tour. The fact that as yet we cannot get wheelchairs up to the trophy cabinet area, along with the fact that Anthony mikes me up to record what I am saying, took my mind back to a film made many years ago about the Hermitage Museum in Russia.

With modern technology it should be possible to create a virtual tour for those who would like to find out about the history of the ground but because of mobility or time constraints are unable to do so. Perhaps we could also arrange to play a recording about what is in the upstairs trophy cabinets in the Chairman’s suite where we now end the tours. I will be talking to my fellow Trustees to see how we can take this forward.

It was interesting that we had a descendant of the Goddard family on the tour. We were discussing how when you visit a church you will usually find five or six hundred years of English history. The County Ground which is just over a hundred years old but we are beginning to get to a similar position for that period as regards our footballl club.

I was delighted to hear that next season it will be the Nigel Eady County Ground. I already mention him on the tour telling how his generosity linked to that of Fitzroy Pleydell Goddard nearly a hundred years ago have made it possible for Swindon Town F C and its supporters to own their own ground.

We are building up an excellent collection of artefacts and documents relating to the Club’s history but we are always looking for more. In particular can I ask people who have items relating to the women’s or Youth teams which they feel able to let us have or at least have access to as we frequently are asked questions about these areas to which we cannot yet provide answers.